AJOL offers free online hosting and access to more than 600 peer-reviewed journals from various African countries.
The database is recognized as the world's largest online platform of peer-reviewed scholarly journals published in Africa.
Arabic Collections Online (ACO) is a publicly available digital library of public domain Arabic language content. ACO currently provides digital access to 17,699 volumes across 10,473 subjects drawn from rich Arabic collections of distinguished research libraries.
Explore Artstor’s collections of high-quality images, curated from leading museums and archives around the world. Artstor’s diverse collections are rights-cleared for education and research, and include Open Access content as well as rare materials not available elsewhere.
BioMed Central is a United Kingdom-based, for-profit scientific open access publisher that produces over 250 scientific journals. All its journals are published online only. BioMed Central describes itself as the first and largest open access science publisher.
"A digital-born project that retraces and remaps the global story of Palestinian literature in the twentieth century, starting from the Arab world and going through Europe, North America, and Latin America."
The Digital Assets Repository (DAR) is a system developed at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Library of Alexandria, to create and maintain the Library's digital collections. Explore our large collection of Arabic digital books, photo albums and more.
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
ERIC is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, searchable, Internet-based bibliographic and full-text database of education research and information. It is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences within the U.S. Department of Education.
Emerald Insight provides seamless access to high-quality, impactful journals, books, case studies, and a growing collection of open access content to a global audience.
One of the largest free online library in Arabic language published by Hindawi Foundation, a not-for-profit organization with the mission of promoting education and culture and spreading the love of reading within Arabic speaking.
IEEE Xplore is the flagship digital platform for discovery and access to scientific and technical content published by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and its publishing partners.
MDPI is a publisher of open-access scientific journals. It publishes over 390 peer-reviewed, open access journals. MDPI is among the largest publishers in the world in terms of journal article output, and is the largest publisher of open access articles.
The world's largest searchable database of Middle English lexicon and usage for the period 1100-1500. An invaluable resource for lexicographers, language scholars, and all scholars in medieval studies.
The OECD iLibrary provides full-text access to books, reports, working papers, and periodicals published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The main topics covered include economics, global governance, international public policy, political science, and sociology.
OATD.org provides open access to graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions.
The Open Textbook Library features textbooks that are funded, published, and licensed for free use, adaptation, and distribution. These textbooks have been reviewied by faculty from various colleges and universities.
The Open Textbook Library features textbooks that are funded, published, and licensed for free use, adaptation, and distribution. These textbooks have been reviewied by faculty from various colleges and universities.
OpenStax is the world’s largest publisher of open education resources (OER) and a provider of interactive learning technologies and education research for high school and college.
OpenStax is the world’s largest publisher of open education resources (OER) and a provider of interactive learning technologies and education research for high school and college.
Collection of scholarship in African American and African history and culture. Covering a wide variety of subjects including Religion, Arts and History.
Oxford Competition Law contains authoritative, peer-reviewed case reports for competition cases at National level in European member states.
Oxford Constitutional Law (OXCON) is the home of Oxford’s constitutional law services, including Oxford Constitutions of the World, US Constitutional Law and the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law.
Oxford Dictionaries Premium offers comprehensive language guidance in nine major world languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
An unsurpassed guide for researchers in any discipline to the meaning, history, and usage of over 500,000 words and phrases across the English-speaking world.
Each Oxford Handbook offers an authoritative and state-of-the-art survey of current thinking and research. Specially commissioned essays from leading international figures in the discipline give critical examination of the progress and direction of debates, providing scholars and graduate students with compelling new perspectives.
Oxford International Organizations (OXIO) is a database of annotated documents pertaining to the law of international organizations.
The home of 500 peer-reviewed journals published by Oxford University Press and learned societies from around the world.
Oxford Medicine Online is a collection of online medical resources which cover every stage in a medical career, with world-renowned titles in over 85 specialty and sub-specialty areas.
Oxford Public International Law (OPIL) is a comprehensive, single location providing integrated access across our international law services, bringing you one step closer to the perfect research solution.
Oxford Reference is the premier online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias.
Oxford Scholarship Online provides easy access to thousands of books from the world-renowned scholarly list of Oxford University Press. New books are added to the collection every month, spanning subjects across almost every area of academia, which means you can read new publications from pioneering authors alongside classic scholarship.
Based at the University of Bristol, UK, Policy Press is now well-known as a leading international publisher of high quality books and journals across a wide range of subjects including: sociology, social policy and social welfare, childhood studies and family policy, ageing, social work and social care, public policy, criminology and criminal justice, health, housing and urban studies.
ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles, including over 3.3 million open access articles.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is composed of a number of specialized research networks in the social sciences. Topics covered by networks include accounting, economics, financial economics, legal scholarship, and management (including negotiation and marketing). The SSRN eLibrary consists of abstracts of scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an electronic paper collection of downloadable full text documents in pdf format.
SpringerLink is the world's most comprehensive online collection of scientific, technological and medical journals, books and reference works.
The definitive reference work on international law from Oxford. Search and browse a comprehensive collection of articles on every aspect of international law.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedias (OREs), which includes 25 encyclopedias in different areas, is an encyclopedic collection published by Oxford University Press.
Subject coverage : African History, American History, Anthropology, Asian History, Business and Management, Climate Science, Communication, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics and Finance, Education, Encyclopedia of Social Work, Environmental Science, Global Public Health, International Studies, Latin American History, Linguistics, Literature, Natural Hazard Science, Neuroscience, Oxford Classical Dictionary, Planetary Science, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religion.
The Qatar Digital Library (QDL)includes archives, maps, manuscripts, sound recordings, photographs and much more, complete with contextualised explanatory notes and links, in both English and Arabic.
With over 100 subjects to explore, Oxford University Press’s What Everyone Needs to Know® series offers authoritative discussions of complex contemporary issues from sustainability to robots in a lively question-and-answer format. Interdisciplinary in nature, this online resource features titles spanning Arts and Humanities, Law, Medicine and Health, Sciences & Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Regional and Area Studies.
One of the largest and most authoritative collections of online journals, books, and research resources, covering life, health, social, and physical.